Monday, November 21, 2011

Day 7 of 25 Christmas Crafts

Today, I just had the 2 younger kids. So, we made muffin cup Christmas trees. They are really easy, and good for any age.

First I gathered everything we needed- muffin cups (white), glue, markers, a piece of paper and glitter glue. I only collected 6 muffin cups for each of them, but depending on the age of the child, or the size of tree you would like, you can do way more!

 We then glued the muffin cups to the paper, in a tree (triangle) shape. 
 Then they set to work colouring the muffin cups. Like I said, these were the youngest two. I am sure if the older 2 would have been here, we would have had much more colour! So, use you imaginations! 
 After they were done colouring, we added some sparkle, because- well it isn't a Christmas tree without sparkle! We used Glitter glue. You could also take this time to glue on "decorations"- pom poms, bells etc would be great. 

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