Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Messy fun

Today was a very cloudy, rainy day. Thankfully, when we pulled out our popsicle stick for the day, it said to make play-dough! We thought, to make it better we would add some of our favourite summer drink mixes- so we added Iced Tea mix and Lemonade mix. What fun! The kids helped make the play dough by adding all the ingredients, then I mixed in the boiling water and food colouring! Once it was done, they played with it for over an hour, then placed it in their own bags to have for later!

While we were out yesterday, we found bean seeds. So, today we also planted our bean seeds. The kids loved playing with the dirt, and poking their seeds into the dirt! We can't wait to watch them grow! We added ours just to dirt in the clear cups. But, you can also do the wet paper towels too. I LOVE the dirt disks (as we call them around our house). You just add water and they blow up into soil! The kids love watching that happen too! Now, we wait to see what happens!

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