Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Bear puppet

Well, we are back, after a nice holiday! 

Today, we were talking about polar bears, and with that came some bear puppets! We talked about all the different colours that bears could be, and then went to work making our own bear! 

First I traced out the shapes onto the paper. And gathered everything we would need, crayons, glue, scissors, tape, and a straw (you could use popsicle sticks, our bears were just pretty tall, so we went for the straws to hold them up). 

The kids coloured their bears first. Bryce's had to be blue, because we were recently at Build a bear where he made a blue bear! 

Then the older kids cut out their shapes, and I helped the younger ones. 

After the shapes were cut out, we started gluing together the shapes, to form our bears! 

Then, we taped the straws to the back of the bear! 

 And now, the kids are ready to play with their Bear puppets! 

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