Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Witches and Bats for Halloween

Starting off our Halloween theme, we made some paper bag witch puppets! The kids enjoyed talking about Halloween, making the puppets and then putting on a puppet show. 

First I collected what we would need- markers, paper bags, glue, and the witch pieces cut out of white paper. I also added some glitter glue because the kids love that stuff! 
 The kids went to work colouring their witches! 

 Then they put the pieces together on their paper bag. We fan folded the legs and arms as well. 

 Then we added glitter glue to the hat! 

 Ready for a puppet show! 

 Today we made footprint ghosts. First we traced each child's foot- have the heels overlap each other. Then draw a half circle on top and cut them out. I cut out ears, fangs, and got some eye shapes ready. Then we decided we would paint with paper towel- so I scrunched up some paper towel and held it together with a clothes pin. To make the paint shiny, I mixed liquid tempra paint with white glue. 
 Then I let the kids get to work! 

 Once they were done painting, they started applying the face to their bat. The good thing with mixing the paint and glue is that we didn't need to bring the glue out too! 

 There we have it! Nice Halloween bats made out of our feet! 

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